
I’m Axel Unger. I’ve spent over 25 years combining design, strategy, and technology to bring ideas to life. I love making visions become a reality.

What Drives Me

I'm passionate about creating solutions that are joyful, relevant, meaningful, and sustainable. I thrive on understanding people's deeper aspirations and needs, and it excites me to leverage cutting-edge technologies like AI and data science, coupled with design, creativity, strategy, and hands-on prototyping and testing, to manifest real and positive change. I’m convinced that transformative change is only possible through community and collaboration. By working collectively, enhancing each other's ideas, and learning mutually, we unravel and shape the new. The myriad conversations, collaborations, and diverse viewpoints I've encountered have been invaluable in my journey.

My Journey

I’ve lived and worked in places like Boston, Milan, and Munich, and it’s been quite an adventure so far! I’ve had the chance to lead some pretty amazing teams and work on some exciting projects, all focused on reimagining what is possible. Throughout this journey, I’ve had a wide range of experiences, roles, and cultural interactions, each contributing a distinct element to my professional life, broadening my viewpoint and perspective.

More Than Just Work

I don’t just create at work. I am intensely curious and love making music, painting, and spending time in my garden. I like making things, no matter what form they take.

Let’s Connect or Meet!

I love meeting new, inspired people and sharing ideas. If you feel a connection to my story and passion, don’t hesitate to drop me an email or reach out through the Contact section on my website. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a forward-thinking leader, or just someone who loves to create, I’m looking forward to the possibility of our paths crossing and maybe creating something new and beautiful together!

For a more detailed view of my experiences and journey, feel free to download my full CV here.

My Journey at a glance 

1995 - 2000: Team Lead at IDEO. Led teams at IDEO in Boston, shaping industries with innovative products and services.

2000 - 2002: Intrapreneur at Whirlpool. Created and launched new business ventures at Whirlpool's EMEA HQ in Milan.

2002 - 2004: Co-founder & Chief Design Officer at Appliance Studio in Bristol. Developed and launched one of the first IoT products, the Roomwizard.

2004 - 2011: Head of Health Practice at IDEO. Led many key client relationships, and headed the healthcare sector at IDEO for Europe.

2011 - 2023: Partner and Managing Director at IDEO. Built and lead a multidisciplinary team at IDEO Munich, led transformational client programs, achieving high profitability and high-performing organisation.

2023 - Today: Founder of HiAxel GmbH and Co-founder of NextVenture.ai I combine my experience and passion with the power of AI to help clients innovate and grow faster, cheaper and better.