Ai: Shape it or Be Shaped

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Have you also been feeling overwhelmed lately by all the talk about AI? I sure did! I was surrounded by constant news, discussions, and debates about AI—making me wonder if it was here to improve our lives or possibly replace us. But instead of just worrying, I decided to engage more deeply, to get to grips with AI, its capabilities, and its implications, and how I might use it for my work. I joined The AI Exchange and took a course called "Prompting for AI Operations," facilitated by Rachel Woods, a renowned expert in applying AI to practical and useful business applications.

This journey has turned out to be enlightening, full of deep insights, profound learnings, and practical knowledge.

Don’t Just Stand There

So, why should you and I care about AI? The first thing I learned pretty quickly was that being a spectator isn’t enough anymore—not when technology is reshaping our world so quickly and profoundly. We all need to be part of this change, to shape the tech if we don’t want to be shaped by it. The course was my starting point, turning me from a curious but confused observer into someone who now understands the disruptive power and potential of AI better. It’s been quite transformative and has given me practical tools and a deeper understanding of what AI can and can't do.

Using AI Everywhere

Just the other day my mother asked me where  I’m going to use what I’ve learned, and I replied: Everywhere! It's akin to asking, "Where would you use electricity?" From ChatGPT with its diverse extensions like Code Interpreter to other LLMs and AI tools, AI has become my daily companion, helping me with tasks ranging from mundane email drafting to complex business strategy creation. It has evolved into an incredibly versatile and indispensable assistant and collaborator. 

My biggest learnings

  • The Age of Automation. Marc Andreessen once said, “Software is eating the world,” meaning everything that can be digitized, will be. I see AI as the next logical step—everything that can be automated, will be. Using prompt engineering techniques has already allowed me to increase the efficiency, quality, and speed of my work thanks to AI!

  • A Multidisciplinary Team at My Fingertips. AI feels like having a diverse team of experts at my disposal, providing insights into areas where my experience or knowledge is limited, be it SEO, performance social marketing, or fly fishing. Ai gives me access to this wealth of knowledge, enriching and broadening my perspectives!

  • Navigating through Limitations. AI is, of course, far from perfect—it can fabricate information, has a short memory, and requires clear context and instructions. However, understanding these limitations allows me to navigate through them, where many might give up or fail.

  • AI Needs a Human. AI can’t read our minds and give perfect answers with the press of a button. It fundamentally lacks human attributes such as empathy and intuition. Maximizing its potential requires a collaborative approach where the focus is on me to pose the right questions, evaluate the outcomes, refine the questions and prompts, and continue this iterative process. When this collaboration is harmonious, the outcomes can be truly remarkable!

  • AI Changes Everything. I have been skeptical about new technologies like Cryptocurrencies or the Metaverse, but AI is different. I believe AI is the defining revolution of our times, potentially surpassing the magnitude of the Industrial Revolution. Uniquely, AI doesn’t just supplement or replace our physical capabilities—it supercharges our intellectual capacities. The impact and repercussions of this revolution won’t unfold over decades but will affect us all within the next few years, holding enormous potential to reshape our society in both positive and detrimental ways.

A Final Thought

AI is incredibly powerful and has the potential to reshape our world. I feel it’s crucial that we all engage and be designers of this change, shaping and designing it in a way that benefits society and humanity. So, I urge you, don’t be a passive bystander; engage and help create a better future for us all.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

If you want to know more, or if I can assist, please feel free to reach out! I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with AI. Let’s continue discussing and exploring what AI means for us and how we can optimize its benefits while addressing the risks. Reach out

Helpful resources for further learning:

To learn more about AI and how to use it: The AI Exchange & Prompting for AI Operations

Daily 15-minute news on AI: The AI breakdown


The Power of AI-Enhanced Innovation


AI and Creativity: Friends or Foes in the Race of Innovation?